Bible Fellowship: with a Lent flavour

On Ash Wednesday, 14th February we start our “Bible Fellowship with a Lent flavour”. The idea is not to run a Lenten course but for a relaxed fellowship group to meet every fortnight in Lent to delve into several Bible passages and share insights about the ideas and thoughts that are thrown up. We believe that this will gladden the heart, build up our faith, and help us better navigate life in general and Lent in particular. 

The Bible Fellowship will be at Hampton Mission Partnership on

  • Wednesday 14th February
  • Wednesday 28th February
  • Wednesday 13th March
  • Wednesday 27th March

Each of the Fellowships will run from 2.00pm to 3.00pm and will include a cuppa and some incredibly supportive company.

The first session on Ash Wednesday is called “The wilderness in the Bible and the wilderness in us.”

The Fellowship is open to all. Even if you are not able to attend all the meetings do try to get along to some of them. Best of all- please bring a friend.