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Our services take place each Sunday at 10.30am and last approximately one hour. This includes a short sermon, led by either our own minister, a local minister or preacher from the Teddington Methodist Circuit or by a Baptist pastor. Occasionally, we will have a ‘local service’ led by one of our worship leaders, either Baptist or Methodist.

Holy Communion

Once a month, we have a Holy Communion Service. Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is the central act of Christian worship, in which the church responds to Jesus’s command:

“Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11: 24-25)

At Hampton Mission Partnership the Communion “wine” is de-alcoholised and offered via individual miniature plastic glasses and bread is broken from a roll. Our current act of Holy Communion is a little different in these Covid times! Instead of glasses, we are currently providing sealed individual communion ‘wine’ and wafers. You are welcome to take communion or to stay seated if you prefer not to.

Most of our services include a children’s address which is an accessible Christian talk with a relevant Bible story or message aimed at younger congregation. Following this, our young people will either stay in the main part of the church for the remainder of the service or move into “Bethany Corner”, a special area at the side of the church, for age-related activities.

Children’s Address

A small area in the Narthex, at the rear of the church, called the “Play Zone” is available for the very young with a parent/carer. This area is behind sliding glass and has a PA system so you can follow the service.

All services are followed by refreshments in the church hall* which is directly linked to the church itself via a corridor. We welcome everybody, regulars or visitors, to come and join us for a coffee and chat afterwards.

Carols by Candlelight at Hampton Mission Partnership

Easter at Hampton Mission Partnership

Hampton Mission Partnership

Hampton Methodist Church

Percy Road, Hampton, TW12 2JT

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